Video Demo:


Termus is a terminal based music player written in C using SDL_mixer and ncurses library.


  • main.c : initialize libraries and functions are called
  • termus.c: Manage keystrokes, free up memory and helping functions
  • file.c : Manages directories, scan music and prepares music files for playing
  • video.c : Functions regarding displaying windows and playing music
  • termes.h: A header file containing functon declaration and structs

Used Libraries

  • SDL2 & SDL2_mixer: SDL2_mixer is used for audio and music management
  • ncurses: For displaying windows and text



void controls(int c, int *highlight, int* j, getMusic_STRUCT* getMusicP, 
WIN_STRUCT* window, Mix_Music** musicSDL, int* volume, int* curPlaying_music)
  • c: takes user key press. every key input is saved in ‘c’
  • highlight is the variable which is limited. it keeps the index number of highligted song on the screen
  • getMusicP here is used to get the total number of music and getting the music file
  • window is used to get the current height of window[1]. window[0] is the upper and window[1] is the lower window
  • musicSDL holds the loaded music. So most of the SDL_mixer function is used using it
  • volume gets the current volume
  • curPlaying_music holds the index number of music playing of MUSIC_STRUCT elements (getMusicP->mus[*curPlaying_music].path)
void freeTermus(getMusic_STRUCT* getMusicP)
  • freeTerumus function frees all the allocated memory using malloc. Most of the work is connected with getMusic_STRUCT
int compfn(const void* m1, const void* m2)
  • compfn function is used in sortList() function. it is a function not used in anywhere else than compfn. it compares two string and help qsort to sort the getMusicP.
void sortList(getMusic_STRUCT* getMusicP)
  • sortList a function is used to sort getMusicP


void printMusicList(WIN_STRUCT* window, getMusic_STRUCT* getMusicP, 
int c, int* j, int* highlight, int* old_h1)
  • printMusicList function prints the list and display it in window[1]. It could simply print strings. But it converts it to wchar_t just to print wide characters. It wrap text so changing display size would wrap those lines which are larger then screen size.
void playbackDuration(WIN_STRUCT* window, Mix_Music* musicSDL)
  • It prints the progress time and duration in window[0].
void printProgressbar(WIN_STRUCT* window, Mix_Music* musicSDL)
  • printProgressbar prints the progress bar in window[0].
void display(WIN_STRUCT* window, getMusic_STRUCT* getMusicP, Mix_Music* musicSDL)
  • main loop for display and run operate video and music task
WIN_STRUCT* initScreen()
  • initialize curses and return WIN_STRUCT*


getMusic_STRUCT* getMusic(void)
  • getMusic function gets all the information needed for loading music
int getDIR(char** listDIR)
  • this function read config file for directories or check the program arguments
void concat(char* dir, char* musicFile, char* path)
  • Merging music file with the path so that it can be used while loading music
int scanMusic(char** DIRs, int totalDIR, MUSIC_STRUCT* music)
  • scan for music files on directories

How to use this program?

First it has to compile for the system. using make this program can be compiled on linux. For windows SDL2 library and ncurses is necessary for compiling. One can provide directories to scan by giving it to the program argument or putting it in termus.conf file. After that running that program will start the program and a menu should be visible.

Known bugs/Todo

  • Resizing terminal the selection bar goes out of the screen.
  • On windows resizing terminal breaks the screen.
  • Volume isn’t capped at 100